One of the sites I designed for a client, Nathan Notary is in the news. Congrats, Nathan!

[bra_center_title title=’Excerpt from the National Notary Association Website’ subtitle=’

Build — and Market — The Perfect Website: A website is only as effective as the ease with which customers can discover what you do, where you do it, and how to contact you. Don’t bury this information or make clients search for it, which are common mistakes made by first-time website marketers. Instead, follow the lead of NNA Notary of the Year Honoree Nathan Ganeshan. His website offers everything a client needs to know — his fees, his credentials, and how to contact him — right on the home page. Extend your marketing reach by creating a listing on a social commerce website such as Angie’s List or Yelp, which also offers premium memberships with more visibility. You can also offer discounts or promotions through Yelp.’ top_margin=30′]

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